Coerver® Coaching Football School exposes players to a wide variety of moves, fakes and ‘changes of direction’, and encourages them to find those that work for them best as individuals.
The result? Highly motivated players with dramatically improved ball control skills and increased confidence on the ball. And team success is ultimately only as effective as the individuals that form it.
Our goal is to provide the best programs, the best coaches and the best facilities possible. All our coaches are Coerver® accredited and the majority are also primary school teachers and Football Nurseries Coaches who have an excellent understanding of working with children. We attempt to make Coerver® Coaching in Malta accessible to as many boys and girls between the ages of 5-15, of all levels, as possible.
If you are interested to join the Number one teaching method, Coerver® Coaching, contact Coerver® Coaching Malta Director Claude Chetcuti on Mob: 79442447, email: or you can fill out the application form
Training Schedule:
Born 2006-2005-2004
Day: Tuesdays Time: 16:45 Venue: St. Catherine High School, Pembroke
Born 2003
Day: Wednesdays Time: 16:45 Venue: St. Catherine High School, Pembroke
Born 2002 -2001
Day: Thursdays Time: 16:45 Venue: St. Catherine High School, Pembroke
Born 2000- 1999 – 1998 – 1997
Day: Fridays Time: 16:45 Venue: St. Catherine High School, Pembroke
Those interested to attend Coerver® Coaching Football School and they find it difficult to come at Pembroke, please fill the application and let us know, as we are planning to add another venue in the south area.