The Malta Football Association through their Women’s Department within the Technical Centre, will organise another Fun Football Festival for girls, this time for even younger ages between 6 and 13 years at the Centenary Stadium on Thursday 27th of December at 9.00am. This festival follows the success of the festival held on the 10th September and the December festival is held in partnership with FIFA and GSD.
This is another opportunity for girls to play football in an atmosphere of fun but at the same time within an environment where they will learn how to play with the ball through fun games. The event will cater for participants of different capabilities, starting with the very beginners.
Furthermore, the girls will yet again have the incentive of getting a gift if they introduce a friend to football.
All those who register for the festival will receive a commemorative T-shirt.
The coaching will be carried out by the MFA Women’s National Team Coaches, MFA Girls Academy Coaches, and Women National Team players together with Club coaches.
Interested girls may apply by downloading the form from the MFA website or email