The Malta Football Association is putting forward a proposal for play-offs and play-outs in the BOV Premier League as from season 2017/18 when the number of teams will increase to fourteen.
According to this proposal, while the team placing first will be declared champion and the runner-up will gain a place in the UEFA Europa League, the teams placing third, fourth, fifth and sixth will take part in the play-offs for one or two places in the UEFA Europa League.
On the other hand, teams placing ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth will take part in the play-outs against relegation. The teams placing thirteenth and fourteenth will be relegated automatically.
This is the second attempt by the MFA administration to introduce a format which featured play-offs and play-outs. In 2014, when discussions about the Premier League reform were underway, the MFA had suggested the introduction of play-offs for the UEFA Europa League between the teams lying in third, fourth, fifth and sixth place and play-outs against relegation between the teams placing eighth to eleventh. However although clubs agreed to eliminate the idea of Championship Pool and Relegation Pool, still wanted a format where points were halved.
Igifieri li t timijiet ser jizdiedu ghal 14 hija certa 100%? Mela l istagun li gej jaqa tim wiehed u jitilaw 3 hux?
Ladarba ha jkun hemm 14 il team (xi haga li personalment ma naqbilx maghha, ahjar bqajna bi 12 u nilaghbu 3 rounds), naqbel li ikun hemm dawn il playoffs halli tnaqqas dawk il loghbiet fejn it timijiet ma jkollhomx interess li jiksbu l punti fihom.
2 mistoqsijiet ghandi, jirrigwardaw il playoffs ghall Europa League:
1) Mela jekk min jirbah il league jew jigi t tieni jiehu l FA trophy, ikun hemm 2 postijiet vakanti ghall Europa League. F dak il kaz jintlaghbu playoffs semi finali biss. Pero’ jekk xi hadd min timijiet li jkunu spiccaw bejn it 3 u s 6 post jiehu l FA trophy, jidhol it team tas 7 post fil playoffs?
2) Jekk apparti l ewwel 2 timijiet u r rebbieh tat trophy, 3 timijiet ohra biss ikollhom licenzja tal UEfa, kif isiru l playoffs?
14 -il team ma taghmilx sens u l-anqas li li mid 9-12 xi hadd minnhom jaqa’
Ta’ l-inqas jilghab decider ma’t-tim fit 3 post fl ewwel div
iktar tahwid u tidwir ….. only in malta
14 il tim? Izjed mill li Skozja u tuzzani izjed ta leagues f’artijiet ferm akbar minnha,li huma bi tnax jew anqas. Redikola..l’unika haga tajba f’dan ir rapport hi li ma jiqasmhux izjed il punti,li diga kienet redikola.