The Youth Football Association organised a seminar detailing the various EU funding programs available to the local football nurseries.
The Youth Football Association in collaboration with Europe Direct and the European Commission Representation in Malta hosted a seminar to explain how to local football nurseries can benefit from EU funding make the most from EU funding. This was a continuation of the Gatorade seminar held last August, where amongst other topics, the issue of how to apply for EU funding was discussed intensely.
The Secretary General of the Association, Mr. Joe Micallef, in his opening speech encouraged the administrators of the nurseries to tap in to these funds, which could help to open up to new horizons.
Mr. Mark Causon, Manager and EU Affairs Consultant at Europe Direct, delivered an interesting presentation, explaining how EU funding works for the various programs available and detailed helpful tips on the filling in of the application for such grants. He also indicated that On 18 January 2011, the European Commission adopted a Communication entitled “Developing the European Dimension in Sport”. This is the first policy document issued by the Commission in the field of sport after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, which gives the EU a mandate to support, coordinate and supplement sport policy measures taken by Member States.
During the well attended meeting, held at the Centenary Hall in Ta Qali, there was a very positive and open discussion and the administrators apart from being handed all the required information, also took the opportunity of a question and answer session.
Fr. Hilary Tagliaferro, the YFA President, stressed on the importance of innovation and that the nurseries should always be on the lookout for new ideas on how to better educate our young players. Football at a young age should not be about winning, but energy should be focused on tutoring to make them better persons first and foremost.