The Youth Football Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Friday 22nd June at the Centenary Hall, Ta’ Qali at 18:00.
Items on the agenda include the speech by the President, the approval of minutes of the last AGM, the approval of the administrative report and the financial report, the election of the officials of the association for 2012/13 and 2013/14 and the election of five council members representing the nurseries for season 2012/13, amendments to the statute and motions.
The nominations for the officials are:
President – Fr.Hilary Tagliaferro
Vici-Presidents – Joe Cassar, Robert Attard
General Secretary – Joe Micallef
Honorary Treasurer – Alfred Cacciattolo
The nominations for members:
Godwin Aquilina, Mark Bondin, Shaun Camilleri, Joe Camilleri, Charles Cassar and Mario DeBattista.