Qormi Nursery will once again going to organise the Summer School on Wednesdays at the Qormi FC Sports Complex starting on the 2nd July. All sessions will be held in the evening.
The summer school will serve as preparation for the coming season since the nursery will have new coaches and it will be ideal for them to start knowing the kids before the beginning of the new season.
The Qormi Nursery is looking forward to see all kids and even new ones to come and enjoy this summer school.
They will have a ten-session programme: 8 sessions by Qormi Nursery staff coaches and another two which will be led by three coaches from Sheffield Wednesday.
This summer school would not be possible without the help of Qormi Local Council, Jesmond Meat Market and RCV Handling machinery.
To apply visit the Qormi Sports Complex on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 17:30 and 19:00 or call 79450552.