The numerous schools entering the exhibition in connection with the UEFA Under-17 Reach Out Campaign reflected the popularity of this initiative among the students in Malta and Gozo. The association is very satisfied with the great response forthcoming from the schools. MFA Chief Executive Officer, Bjorn Vassallo thanked all those who contributed to the success of this campaign, saying that this initiative also resulted in big attendances at the various venues in Malta and Gozo.
“I am very satisfied with the encouraging attendances for the matches in both Malta and Gozo which reached a remarkable figure of over 43,000, approximately 10% of the population of our country. This shows that the game has the power to attract people of all ages and in this context results in publicity for our country. The Game generates Respect, Fair Play, Unity and Intense Experience all of which fuel educational values.”
“While extending my congratulations to the winners of the exhibition, a big thank you goes to all the participating schools. Also, the numbers attending the matches included many from the schools and Open Centres. This shows that the association cares about the grassroots and social inclusion.”
“All was possible through the hard work of officials and volunteers and the massive co-operation of the Ministry of Education. At this point I cannot but thank Minister Evarist Bartolo for his interest and assistance.”