The Malta Football Association announced that it has been informed by Police that Emmanuel Briffa, Kyle Cesare and Ronnie Mackay will be charged in relation with the two UEFA Under-21 Championship qualifiers against Montenegro and the Czech Republic which were played in March.
Since Emmanuel Briffa and Kyle Cesare are both players registered with the Malta Football Association, the MFA Executive Committee suspended these two players temporarily with immediate effect.
The Malta FA will be appearing as parte civile in these criminal proceedings.
The disciplinary process by the MFA will kick-off once the legal proceedings are over in order not to interfere with the work being done by Police.
Twenty-two year old Emmanuel Briffa plays for Floriana while twenty-year old Kyle Cesare plays for Pietà Hotspurs.
Last month, twenty-one year-old Seyble Zammit was found guilty of match-fixing ahead of these two UEFA Under-21 Championship qualifiers. However Zammit escaped punishment after the magistrate applied a provision of the law which states that when a person pleads guilty and reveals information in court related to the case he may be exempted from punishment.
Meanwhile Vittoriosa Stars goalkeeper James Mercieca was handed a six-month ban after being found guilty of betting on domestic games in violation of MFA regulations.
Ma nista qatt nifhem kif jista jkun kif xi hadd jasal anke biss jikkundsira li jbiegh isem pajjizu. Jien qas biss tghaddili minn mohhi nilghab il flus kontra Malta, li jien biss supporter, ahseb u ara player li jkun qed jilbes il flokk u jirrapprezenta lil pajjizu jarmi loghba ghall flus. U nista mhux inkun mejjet bil guh u m ghandix biex inhallas il kontijiet, ghax jekk hemm bzonn insib xoghol bil lejl u ma norqodx, imma LE lil pajjizi ma nbieghu qatt!
Nispera biss ghal dawn iz zewg players li m humhiex hatja ghax jahasra ghadhom zghar u tkun hasra kieku kellha tintemm il karriera taghhom hawn. Mill banda l ohra jekk vera jinstaghbu hatja, m ghandux ikun hemm hniena ghax inkella ha nibqaw sejrin bihom dawn il hnirijiet u l isem tal football malti ma jiehu r-ruh qatt.
Bidwi bi hsieb li qed jiddakru ,,, iss mhux moda li nbieghu dak li hu Malti jew?