The Czech Republic found no difficulty in beating Malta 6-0 in a friendly match at the Kufstein Arena in Kufstein, Austria on Friday. The first of two friendly matches in five days for Malta before facing Austria on Tuesday.
As expected, the Czech Republic were eager to impress as they are in the final preparations of the EURO 2016 where they will be facing holders Spain, Croatia and Turkey in Group D. They dominated from start to finish, scoring three in each half, giving the Maltese no chance to test the Czech rear-guard apart from one conclusion late in the game. The boys in red disappointed and considerable improvement is necessary to avoid another heavy defeat against Austria.
With Jonathan Caruana, Steve Borg and Joseph Zerafa all ruled out injured and Andre Schembri unavailable for selection, Malta coach Pietro Ghedin opted to make a number of changes naming Clifford Gatt Baldacchino and Gareth Sciberras in the starting line-up along with two players who were making their debut – Cain Attard and Luke Gambin. Paul Fenech and Rowen Muscat started on the bench.
Henry Bonello was confirmed in goal with Andrei Agius, Gatt Baldacchino and Zach Muscat in defence with Attard and Clayton Failla on the flanks, Roderick Briffa, Gareth Sciberras, Bjorn Kristensen and Gambin in midfield with Alfred Effiong in attack.
Jaroslav Plasil opened the score on the 15th minute with a long-distance shot which ended in the top left corner, following a slight deflection by Kristensen, giving goalkeeper Henry Bonello no chance.
Six minutes later, the Czech Republic doubled the score when off a cross from the left by Krejci, Milan Skoda flicked the ball past the Malta goalkeeper.
Five minutes from the end of the first half, Pavel Vrba’s side scored the third goal when off a freekick from the right by Plasil, Roman Hubnik beat Bonello with an acrobatic shot from close range.
David Lafalta made it 4-0 on the 74th minute when off a corner from the right, his first header was partially saved by Bonello, tapping the ball home off the rebound.
Nine minutes from time, Tomas Necid scored the fifth goal when off a cross from the left, he had all the time in the world to control the ball before hitting the ball past Bonello.
On the 87th minute, Malta went close to scoring a consolation goal when Rowen Muscat advanced upfield before intelligently serving Michael Mifsud whose conclusion from the left scraped past the far post.
One minute in added time, Patrik Schick sealed the issue with a sixth goal when he controlled the ball off a corner from the left and slotted the ball past Justin Haber.
CZECH REPUBLIC Petr Cech (46′ Tomas Koubek), Pavel Kaderabek (65′ Lukas Marecek), Roman Hubnik, Tomas Sivok, David Limbersky (46′ Theodor Gebre Selassie), Tomas Rosicky (65′ Patrik Schick), Milan Skoda (46′ Tomas Necid), Jaroslav Plasil (46′ Vladimir Darida), David Pavelka (65′ Daniel Kolar), Josef Sural (46′ David Lafata), Ladislav Krejci (46′ Jiri Skalak).
MALTA Henry Bonello (87′ Justin Haber), Andrei Agius, Clifford Gatt Baldacchino, Zach Muscat, Cain Attard (46′ Ryan Camilleri), Clayton Failla (75′ Ryan Camenzuli), Luke Gambin (74′ Llywelyn Cremona), Gareth Sciberras (90′ Steve Pisani), Roderick Briffa (62′ Rowen Muscat), Bjorn Kristensen (46′ Paul Fenech), Alfred Effiong (46′ Michael Mifsud).
Referee: Dominik Ouschan (AUT)
Hela’ ta’ hin ghal plejers taghna… meta dawn dalwaqt jergaw jibdew it-tahrig mal-clubs rispettivi taghhom…
l-MFA ghandha tort ukoll, taf li issa hemm il-klabbs Maltin daqt jilaghbu fil kompetizzjonijiet ewropej, il players ta’ dawn it-timijiet qas ser ikunu waqfu xejn. Jekk ma tistax thalli players ta’ dawn it-timijiet barra mis-selezzjoni ma taccettax li tiehu sehem f’dawn il-friendlies. U ma nahsibx li dawn iz-zewg loghbiet jistaw jiswew ta’ preparazzjoni ghall-grupp ta’ kwalifikazzjoni li jmiss, ghax fadal 4 xhur ohra biex nilaghbu.
Jien ghalija dawn it-tip ta’ wirjiet u rizultati m’ghadhomx accettabbli, ikun min ikun l-avversearju u tkun xi tkun il-partita, jekk hux friendly fl-ahhar ta’ l-istagun domestiku jew loghba ufficjali.
Deher bic-car li l maggoranza tal-players m ghandhomx aptithom dawn iz-zewg loghbiet fl-ahhar ta’ l-istagun (inkomplu juru kemm ghandna lura fejn tidhol mentalita’ professjonali). Nifhem li laghbna kontra tim iktar b’sahhtu imma l wirja kienet wisq patetika u bla hegga ta’ xejn…aparti l-mod kif qlajna certu goals, l-iktar fatt inkwetanti hu li f’loghba shiha l-unika azzjoni li ghamilna kienet lejn it-tmiem meta l-iskor kien 5-0. Tal-misthija, biex ma nsemmux is-superficjalita’ ta’ kif giet konkluza din l-azzjoni.
Ma jistax ikun jibqa jkollna dat-tip ta’ loghbiet. Mela sewwa, f’xi loghba kontra tim kwotat bhall-Italja naghmlu l loghbiet ta’ hajjitna, biex nidhru, imbaghad f’loghbiet li forsi ma jqanqlux l-istess interess noqoghdu nippassiggjaw. Jien ghalija m’hemmx distinzjoni. Ladarba inzilt tilghab bil-flokk tat-tim Nazzjonali trid tati ta’ l-inqas il-100%. Min ma jridx jinzel jitqatel ghall flokk Malti f’kull loghba mhux postu man-Nazzjonal. Li tilghab mat-Tim Nazzjonali huwa privilegg, imma fuq kollox huwa dmir kbir ghax qieghed tirrapprezenta lill-Pajjiz u l-Poplu Malti kollu. Apparti li kull loghba li nilaghbu taffettwa l-FIFA ranking taghna u tiddetermina f’liema pot inkunu meta jsiru l-poloz tal-gruppi ta’ kwalifikazzjoni.
L-MFA u l-istaff tekniku iridu jaraw x’ha jaghmlu ghax issa s-supporters tat-tim Nazzjonali, dawk bhali li meta jaraw lil Malta tilghab iqattaw qalbhom, u li jixtiequ jaraw progress, qed jixbaw jigu umiljati b’dan il-moghod.
Forza Malta
…u l-fatt li din il-loghba partikolari ma kinitx tghodd ghall-fini tal-FIFA rankings mhix skuza. Dawn it-tip ta wirjiet rajnihom anke f’loghbit importanti.
No shock, they have always smashed 4 plus goals at Malta all the time
Zmmejnihom draw darbtejn 0-0