Statement by South End Core after Faroe Islands defeat

The South End Core expressed its disappointment for the following the disappointing result for the national team against the Faroe Islands in a statement issued on Thursday.

The South End Core said that the score was not acceptable due to the fact that great importance was given to this game to the extent that a number of players were rested during the previous game against Sweden but ultimately a positive result against the Faroe Islands was not delivered.

While criticising the fact that the supporters who made the trip to Torshavn were not acknowledged after the final whistle, the South End Core asked the association why it did not issue an apology toward the sporting public, who was going to shoulder the responsibility for this defeat and what were the short-term and long-term plans.

The South End Core finally urges the association to take immediate action for the good of the game.


Il-Grupp South End Core qiegħed joħroġ din l-istqarrija wara r-riżultat tat-team nazzjonali Malti kontra l-Gżejjer Faroe. South End Core dejjem kien hemm biex jappoġġja lit-team nazzjonali sa mill- 2007. Ilna dan iż-żmien kollu minkejja r-riżultati negattivi, nibqgħu nappoġjaw lit-tim Malti.

Ir-riżultat ta’ nhar it-Tlieta li għadda hu wieħed mhux aċċettabli. Mhux aċċettabli għar-raġuni li tant ingħatat importanza kbira lil din il-partita li spiċċaw serrħu ċertu plejers fil-partita kontra l-Isvezja biex ikun hemm ċans ikbar ta’ riżultat pożittiv kontra l-Gżejjer Faroe, li ironikament ma wasalx.

Mhux aċċettabli:
– il-fatt li l-partitarji li kienu fuq l-istess ajruplan magħkom, ma ġewx rikonoxxuti wara t-tisfira finali.
– li ħallejtu l-partitarji bid-dmugħ f’għajnejhom, iddispjacuti bir-riżultat u bil-prestazzjoni tat-tim, imweġġgħin għal fatt li ilna mxenqin għal rebħa minn barra minn pajjizna u kif ukoll ġewwa pajjizna. Dawn huma l-istess nies li sibtuhom dejjem hemm HOME u AWAY mill-2007.

Bħala South End Core qegħdin nistaqsu lil Malta Football Association b’mod formali:
– Kif l-MFA għadha ma ħarġet l-ebda stqarrija fuq dak li ġara ġewwa il-Gżejjer Faroe, l-anqas apoloġija lejn il-pubbliku sportiv Malti.
– Min ser jerfa’ r-responsabiltà ta’ din it-telfa li kemm l-assoċjazzjoni, kemm il-players u l-partitarji ridna li nirbħu?
– X’inhu l-pjan immedjat u dak futur? Hemm bżonn li jittieħdu passi drastiċi, anki jekk dan ifisser li nirfsu xi kallijiet ta’ xi nies jew clubs .. is-sistema tal-futol Malti hemm bżonn titjieb fil-livelli kollha, kemm fil-youths kif ukoll fil-kbar.

Għażiż President, membri tal-Eżekuttiv u Council Members, intom qegħdin hemm biex tipproteġu l-logħba tal-ballun, u mhux biex tipproteġu l-interessi ta’ dak u tal-ieħor !

QUMU MINN HEMM, Ħudu l-miżuri neċessarji, u mhux l-ewwel isaqsu kif ċertu deċiżjonijiet ser jaffetwaw lil klabb tagħkom qabel ma tmorru għal xi vot !

Aħna nies li nħobbu l-futbol Malti, nies li nħobbu lit-Tim Nazzjonali Malti u nies li nixtiequ nibdew ngħidu ” IVA, MORT NARA LIL MALTA U RBAĦNA F’TA’ QALI U ANKE BARRA FIL-FUTBOL UKOLL ”.

South End Core

One comment

  1. Its the die hard fans like the South End core that make Maltese support that extra man on the field, who spend a lot of there time and money dedicated to the national teams of any sport representing Malta, who basically travel everywhere the Maltese football team goes abroad.To see a poor quality performance by Malta who were expected to win that game, shows why this poor performance must stop now, its embarrassing, and a lack of respect not only to Maltese football fans in Malta but to all Maltese around the world, so i agree with the new plans stated by Bjorn Vassallo

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