Four matches from the National Amateur League were in programme on Sunday.
In Group A, goals by Aaron Sammut on the 13th minute and Lazar Doric on the 76th handed Mgarr United a 2-0 win over Ghaxaq at the Sirens Stadium.
In another match, Gharghur defeated Ta’ Xbiex 3-1 at the Luxol Stadium. Nicholas Formosa opened the score on the 1st minute but Nicholas Scicluna converted a penalty to equalise on the 34th. Karl Azzopardi made it 2-1 on the 73rd and Ikechukwu Igwemeke added another nine minutes from time.
At the Sirens Stadium, a goal by Emmanuel Mbong six minutes in the second half handed Siggiewi a narrow win over Msida St. Joseph in Group B.
In another match at the Luxol Stadium, Attard defeated Kirkop United 2-1 in Group C. Julien Iwueke put Attard ahead on the 10th minute and Nigel Spiteri doubled the score on the 24th. Ayrton Buhagiar reduced the gap on the 64th.