Lija Athletic A win Enemed Women’s Futsal League

Lija Athletic A won the first edition of the Enemed Women’s Futsal League after beating Mtarfa Futsal 6-4 in the third final which was played at the De La Salle Sports Pavillion. Lija made history because they are the first female team to win the first edition of this championship organised by the Futsal Malta Association.

Mtarfa started well and surged ahead but Lija produced a fierce reaction and by the end of the first half, they turned the score in their favour to 3-1.

In the second half, Lija remained consistent and continued to score goals although Mtarfa never gave up despite ending up empty handed.

Ylenia Azzopardi, Irena Drugovic and Ruth Steer Chetham scored twice each for Lija. Janice Pace scored three goals for Mtarfa with Demi Magrin adding another for her team.

At the end of the game, Mark Borg, president of the Futsal Malta Association presented the cup to the captain of Lija Athletic A Jasmine Vella Turner.