Malta FA meets with Authority for Integrity in Maltese Sport

The Malta FA met new Authority for Integrity in Maltese Sport (AiMS)’s CEO, Mr Jean Claude Micallef, to discuss a series of important topics ranging from regulatory and legal affairs, the promotion of integrity in sport and the fight against manipulation.

During the meeting, held at Malta FA premises on Tuesday, the Malta FA President Bjorn Vassallo, welcomed the newly appointed chief executive and gave an overview of the work carried out by the Association in recent years in relation to the preservation of integrity in football and the introduction of various good governance initiatives to help remove improper conduct.

On behalf of the Malta FA, Secretary General Dr Maria Azzopardi, Deputy Secretary General Rodney Pisani and Integrity Officer Dr Herman Mula, also attended the meeting, highlighting a number of subjects for discussion, including the corporate restructing of football clubs which will see football clubs operating within a new business model.

The AiMS delegation expressed its willingness to cooperate with the Malta FA on such matters and to continue with on-going talks on the importance of knowledge-sharing for safer and more efficient processes.

The meeting also focused on the willingness from both parties for the Malta FA to become one of the first sport entities locally to be officially registered with AiMS.

Commenting during the meeting, President Vassallo said that the Malta FA was a catalyst in pushing for the creation of an authority to safeguard the values and ethics in sport.

“Moreover we are willing to provide our resources and knowledge to be able to assist AiMS where possible, having already the structures and tools in place to prevent manipulation and safeguard integrity”, concluded President Vassallo.

When making reference to the registration process of sports organisations in Malta, AiMS CEO Jean Claude Micallef said: “It is very important to avoid ‘sport orphan’ scenarios, where no national governing body leads towards exclusion or undue limitations.”

He added that the Malta FA has been a catalyst on various integrity measures and is looking forward to seeing the Association become the first sport entity in Malta to be officially registered with AiMS.