The Annual General Meeting of the Malta Football Association will be held this morning at 09:30 at the Centenary Hall, Ta’ Qali. Items on the Agenda include the Approval of the Minutes of the last AGM held on the 25th July 2009, Approval of the Minutes of the EGM held on the 18th February 2010; the Approval of the Report of Activities of the Association (Administrative Report) for the year 2009/2010; the Approval of the Audited Accounts and Balance Sheet of the Association (Financial Report) for the year 2009/2010 and the election for the Officers of the Association for the years 2010/2013 and for the Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee for the year 2010/2011.
Also on the agenda are Additions or Alterations to the Statute of the Association and Motions.
The candidates nominated and approved by the Electoral Commission to fill in the posts of Officers of the Association for the years 2010/2013 (items vi, vii & viii on the Agenda) and the candidates nominated and approved by the Electoral Commission to fill in the seats of Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee for the year 2010/2011 (item ix on the Agenda) are the following:
I. Candidates nominated to fill in the post of President:
Mr. Norman Darmanin Demajo
Dr. Joe Mifsud LL.D.
II. Candidates nominated to fill in the posts of three (3) Vice-Presidents:
Mr. Carmelo Bartolo
Dr. Peter Fenech LL.D.
Mr. Alex Manfre’
Mr. Ludovico Micallef A&CE
III. Candidates nominated to fill in the post of Treasurer:
Mr. Paul Bugeja
Mr. Alex Manfre’
Mr. Antoine Portelli
IV. Candidates nominated to fill in the fourteen (14) seats of Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee:
(a) Council Members in representation of Member Clubs in the different Divisions:
(i) Premier Division (two (2) vacancies):
Mr. Jesmond Abela
Mr. Victor Cassar
Mr. Joseph Gauci (BKR)
Mr. Paul Spiteri
Mr. John Vella
(ii) First Division (two (2) vacancies):
Mr. Charles J. Scerri
Mr. Joseph Sammut
(iii) Second Division (two (2) vacancies):
Mr. Tyrone Demanuele
Mr. John Farrugia
Mr. Bjorn Vassallo
(iv) Third Division (two (2) vacancies):
Mr. Joseph Farrugia (KIR)
Mr. Raymond Micallef
(b) Council Members in representation of Member Clubs in general (two (2) vacancies):
Mr. Joseph Agius
Mr. Victor Cassar
Mr. John Farrugia
Mr. Joseph Gauci (BKR)
Mr. Paul Spiteri
Mr. Joseph Vassallo
Mr. John Vella
(c) Council Members in representation of The Youth F.A. (one (1) vacancy):
Mr. Joe Micallef
(d) Council Members in representation of the Gozo F.A. (one (1) vacancy):
Mr. Charles Calleja
(e) Council Members in representation of the other Member Associations (two (2) vacancies):
Mr. Kenneth Cassar
Mr. Joseph M. Cassar Naudi
Mr. Donald Spiteri
Meanwhile the Ghaqda Gurnalisti tal-Isport expressed its disappointment that Illum journalist Mark Attard was denied accreditation for this morning’s AGM.