FIFA Assistant Referee Ingmar Spiteri has been selected by UEFA to participate in the 1st UEFA Course for International Assistant Referees being held in Lisbon, Portugal, from Sunday 16th to Wednesday 19th March.
The Course is being organised by UEFA in cooperation with the Portuguese Football Federation at the Sheraton Lisboa Hotel in Lisbon.
The comprehensive three-day course will include practical, theoretical and fitness checking.
Participants will start each day with a weighing session and skin fold measurement prior to breakfast.
The fitness assessment – T-Drills with forward sprinting and sideways running, CODA-Drills (Change of Direction Ability Field drills), and Yo-Yo ARIET (Assistant Referee Intermittent Endurance Test, level 2) – will be run at the Jamor Stadium in Lisbon.
Ingmar Spiteri took up refereeing in 1993 and has been on the FIFA List since the year 2000.
Photo: Copyright © domenic aquilina