Six Premier League players were suspended by the MFA Disciplinary Commissioner following the weekend’s matches.
Ryan Grech (Mosta) was banned for three matches while Elkin Serrano Valero (Balzan), Matteo Picciolo (Floriana), David Alejandro Reano (Naxxar), Sean Cini (Tarxien) and Hugo Faria (Valletta) were suspended for one match.
Grech is ruled out of the clashes with Hibs, Tarxien and Valletta. Sean Cini and Mateo Picciollo are ruled out of Tarxien vs Floriana, Reano the game against Pietà while Hugo Faria and Elkin Serrano will be unavailable for Balzan vs Valletta.
Meanwhile in the FA Trophy, Jonathan Pace (Dingli) and Samuel Vella (Siggiewi) were banned for three matches while Keith Fedele (Gharghur), Josef Buttigieg (Nadur), Eman Bugeja (SK Victoria W.), Jotham Ayodeji Adeniran (Kirkop), Tobias Terpougoff (Melita) and Gilbert Martin (Vittoriosa) were banned for one match.