The surface of three artificial turf pitches will be replaced by mid-2022 and another artificial turf pitch will be installed for the first time as part of the project involving the replacement of 55 pitches in Malta and 13 in Gozo worth €6 million. In fact, the procurement process is currently underway.
The agreement between the Malta Football Association, the Parliamentary Secretariat for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organisations within the Ministry for Inclusion and Social Wellbeing was signed earlier this summer. While the Malta Football Association will be implementing the project, the Ministry for Inclusion and Social Wellbeing will be making this investment.
The first pitches to be replaced are those of Mqabba FC worth over €89,000, Mosta FC worth over €232,000 and Mellieħa SC worth over €183,000. These pitches had been installed in 2009. On the other hand, an artificial turf pitch will be installed for the first time at the St. Joseph’s Home in Santa Venera for an investment of over €185,000.
This was announced by Minister for Inclusion and Social Wellbeing Dr Julia Farrugia Portelli and Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organisations Dr Clifton Grima at the Mqabba football ground on Tuesday in the presence of MFA President Bjorn Vassallo.
Minister Farrugia Portelli said that this was the biggest investment the government has made in our children and young people. She added that this investment in better sports facilities will serve to attract more children and young people to the facility which was something necessary because it is a known fact that sports activities contribute to a better quality of life. Dr Farrugia Portelli said that such an investment also served as an incentive for voluntary work considering that that the vast majority of those involved in administration work on a voluntary basis.
Parliamentary Secretary Clifton Grima explained how this investment which is seeing the replacement of the artificial turf pitches will continue to ensure that children and young people train in professional and high quality facilities. The Parliamentary Secretary added that investments and projects of this quality are a proof of the government’s commitment to further strengthen investment in sport for Maltese children and young people to make the leap in quality.
MFA President Bjorn Vassallo said that the Malta Football Association, with the assistance of the central government, is working on projects to see Maltese football move forward in line with its strategic objectives. Vassallo said that apart from the football aspect, the Government has dedicated public funds to guarantee a high level of infrastructure, in particular due to the fact that football needs good facilities for training and competitions which make them a positive, adequate and healthy environment where our children and young people, women and men will be able to practice sport in the best possible way.
“Following an investment made by the MFA in recent years to rebuild the club pitches in Malta and Gozo, the Government is now intervening with financial assistance to gradually replace the artificial turf. These projects will give the necessary safety to the athletes. This is all for the good of the community as the clubs not only offer football but have an important mission in our communities,” concluded the MFA President.
Mqabba FC nursery chairman Charles Farrugia expressed his satisfaction that his club would be one of the first to benefit from this project.