The Malta Premier League said in a statement that it welcomed the fact that the Malta FA President had ordered an internal investigation into the administrative deficiencies that were confirmed by the Protests Board in the case of the matches Hibernians vs Hamrun Spartans and Mosta vs Sirens.
The MPL said it expects that the Terms of Reference of this inquiry will be made public and that the inquiry will take place without delay. It also asked whether the cases will still be referred to the Ethics Board.
The MPL added that it expected the inquiry to be concluded, ideally no later than the end of February and when published, responsibility will be assumed and the necessary remedies will be given so that the outcome of the championship is not affected.
Il-Malta Premier League tilqa l-fatt li l-President tal-MFA ordna investigazzjoni interna dwar in-nuqqasijiet amministrattivi li ġew ikkonfermati mill-Protests Board fil-każ tal-logħbiet Hibernians vs Hamrun Spartans u Mosta vs Sirens.
Il-MPL tistenna li t-Termini ta’ Rifernza ta’ din l-inkjesta jsiru magħrufa u li l-inkjesta ssir mingħajr dewmien. Dan filwaqt li jrid jiġi ċċarat jekk il-każijiet humiex se jiġu riferuti xorta lill-Bord tal-Etika.
Il-MPL tistenna li l-inkjesta ma ddumx ma tiġi konkluża, idealment mhux iktar tard mill-aħħar ta’ Frar, tkun ippublikata, tintrefa responsabilta fejn jinstab il-każ, u jingħataw rimedji neċessarji biex ma jkunx affettwat l-eżitu tal-kampjonat.