The Malta Football Association and the Premier Division Standing Committee both issued statements following the Malta Football Referees Association directive to referees not to control the Mosta FC game in programme on Sunday.
The MFA said that it had actually taken immediate action over the case but stressed that all parties concerned must allow this disciplinary process to take its due course.
On the other hand, the PDSC said that there are appropriate structures to deal with such issues and the disciplinary provcess must take its due course. It stressed that the directive by the MFRA does not respect players, clubs and the structures within the MFA.
Disciplinary process must take its due course
The Malta Football Association (MFA) has been steadfast in its commitment to promoting and safeguarding the interests of its match officials.
The unrelenting work of the MFA Referees’ Department combined with the abilities and dedication of our talented match officials have resulted in new opportunities and achievements in the refereeing sector.
Furthermore, the MFA, through its disciplinary mechanisms, issue sanctions on a regular basis against players, coaches and officials who show a lack of respect towards match officials in competitions organised by the Association.
In response to the statement issued earlier today by the Malta Football Referees Association in relation to the derogatory comments made on social media against referee Malcolm Spiteri after the FA Trophy third round game between Sliema Wanderers and Mosta on 30th November, the MFA would like to make it clear that it did in fact take immediate action.
The MFA had instructed its Disciplinary Board to look into comments made by persons who are under the Association’s jurisdiction. All parties concerned must allow this disciplinary process to take its due course.
As it has always done, the MFA will not shy away from its responsibility to protect the match officials and any other stakeholder in the game and unreservedly condemns any form of abuse.
With regards to the MFRA’s directive instructing its members not to officiate the BOV Premier League fixture involving Mosta FC this weekend, the MFA feels that this measure was uncalled for and reminds all concerned of the obligations tied to their respective roles.
The MFA is discussing the situation internally and will pursue further discussions with all the parties concerned.
Stqarrija mill-Premier Division Standing Committee
Il-Premier Division Standing Committee (PDSC) jinnota l-istqarrija mahruga millMalta Football Referees Association (MFRA) li permezz taghha l-membri fi hdana nghataw struzzjonijiet sabiex ma jipprovdux is-servizz taghhom ghal-loghba tal-Kampjonat Premier bejn Mosta u Birkirkara.
Il-PDSC jhoss illi hemm strutturi li ghandhom jindirizzaw il-materja li fuqha intalbet din l-azzjoni, u ghalhekk dawk l-istrutturi ghandhom jithallew jahdmu.
Il-PDSC jzid li jekk hemm bzonn li dawn l-istutturi jissahhu jew jinbidlu, certament dawk iddiskussjonijiet ghandhom jsiru madwar mejda. Direttiva bhal dik mahruga mill-MFRA ma tirrispettax lill-players, lill-clubs u listrutturi fi hdan l-MFA.