Mario Apap is the new president of the Malta Football Referees Association following an Annual General Meeting which was held on Monday.
Trustin Farrugia Cann will be serving as vice-president, Ishmael Barbara as general secretary and Luke Portelli as treasurer. Pierre Bonnici, William Debattista, Kurt Saliba, Mitchell Scerri and Fyodor Zammit are the other members of the committee.
The MFRA AGM was initially scheduled for June 3 but a decision by the previous administration to bar more than half of its members from voting at the AGM led to a petition to the MFA, signed by 102 match officials, and the MFA Bureau asked the MFRA to postpone the AGM. However this went on as scheduled, leading the MFA to suspend the membership of the Malta Football Referees Association within the Malta Football Association.
A new Annual General Meeting therefore had to be held to elect a new committee.
Meanwhile in a statement, signed by new secretary Ishmael Barbara, the newly-elected committee thanked the previous administration led by Alexie Tabone for the work done over the past years. The MFRA thanked former MFA President Norman Darmanin Demajo and former Vice-President for their constant support for the refereeing sector and congratulated new MFA President Bjorn Vassallo, going on to wish the Referees Committee led by chairman Adrian D. Casha and the Refereeing Department led by Kevin Azzopardi fruitful work for the refereeing sector.
On the other hand, new MFRA president Mario Apap said that the main priority for the new committee is unity amongst its members.
Il-Malta Football Referees Association b’Kumitat Ġdid.
It-Tnejn 19 ta’ Awwissu kienet ġurnata importanti għall-Malta Football Referees Association (MFRA). Fil-Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali tal-Assoċjazzjoni, il-membri ħatru kumitat ġdid għall-istaġun 2019-2020.
Dan il-kumitat huwa kompost minn:
Is-Sur Mario Apap – President
Is-Sur Trustin Farrugia Cann – Viċi-President
Is-Sur Ishmael Barbara – Segretarju Ġenerali
Is-Sur Luke Portelli– Teżorier
Is-Sinjuri Pierre Bonnici, William Debattista, Kurt Saliba, Mitchell Scerri u Fyodor Zammit – Membri
Il-kumitat il-ġdid jirringrazzja l-amministrazzjoni tal-MFRA preċedenti mmexxija mis-Sur Alexie Tabone, għall-ħidma tagħha matul l-aħħar snin. Fl-ewwel messaġġ tiegħu bħala president ġdid tal-Assoċjazzjoni, is-Sur Mario Apap, stqarr li l-ewwel prijorita ta’ dan il-kumitat ser tkun it-trankwillita u l-għaqda fost il-membri tagħha.
L-MFRA tixtieq tirringrazzja ukoll lill-ex President tal-Malta Football Association (MFA) is-Sur Norman Darmanin Demajo u lill-ex Viċi-President is-Sur Alex Manfre għas-sostenn kontinwu li taw lis-settur tar-refereeing f’pajjiżna.
Il-kumitat jieħu wkoll l-opportunita sabiex jifraħ lill-amministrazzjoni l-ġdida tal-MFA, immexxija mill-President is-Sur Bjorn Vassallo, u jawgura ħidma fejjieda lir-Referees Committee, immexxi mic-Chairman is-Sur Adrian D. Casha, u lir-Refereeing Department, immexxi mis-Sur Kevin Azzopardi.
Fl-aħħar nett il-kumitat tal-MFRA jixtieq jawgura lir-referees kollha staġun ta’ success.
Ishmael Barbara
Segretarju Generali