BOV Division 2: Narrow wins for Marsaxlokk, Mellieha

Marsaxlokk moved second in the BOV Second Division as they defeated Zurrieq 1-0 at the Luxol Stadium on Saturday.

Keith Muscat scored the all-important goal two minutes from the end of the first half.

In another match, Mellieha shocked San Gwann with a narrow win courtesy of captain David Fenech on the 71st minute.

Marsa lead the way with 25 points, followed by Marsaxlokk, Mgarr and San Gwann on 22, Rabat 21, Melita 18, Zurrieq 17, Birzebbuga and Kalkara 14, Mellieha 12, Xghajra 8, Zabbar 7, Luqa 5.