Six Premier League players were suspended by the MFA Disciplinary Commissioner following the weekend’s matches from the BOV Premier League.
Clayton Failla of Hibernians was banned for three matches while Bjorn Kristensen, also of Hibernians, was suspended for two matches. Also banned for two matches were Gianmarco Piccioni (Mosta) and Owen Bugeja (Qormi). Sliema’s Clifford Gatt Baldacchino and Tarxien’s Carlo Mamo were suspended for one game.
Kristensen and Failla will miss the games against Floriana and Qormi with Failla also missing the last game from the first phase against Naxxar. Piccioni is ruled out of the Qormi game and the derby against Naxxar. Owen Bugeja will miss the games against Mosta and Hibernians. Gatt Baldacchino is ruled out of the game against Vittoriosa and Carlo Mamo of that against Birkirkara.
Vittoriosa Stars coach Oliver Spiteri was banned for two matches.